Green councillors support installation of swift boxes

Through May and June 2023 around 30 swift boxes have been installed in Malvern Vale and West Malvern.

Residents, who have had the boxes installed on their homes, responded to an appeal to help the declining swift population, which has reduced by around 60% across the UK in recent years. Boxes have also been placed on the YMCA Malvern Vale Community centre.The project was funded by local Green councillors Jules Wood and John Raine and led by the local RSPB group. John says: “It has been an absolute pleasure supporting this most worthwhile project with ward-level funding. Providing more nesting sites for these amazing long-distance travelling birds will allow us all to continue to enjoy seeing them in our localities and, most important, help ensure their survival as a species.

Green councillor Jules Wood with local residents and a representative from the YMCA’

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