Spotlight on Malvern Vale

Following a very successfulHelping to grow your Community‘ event on 28th November a lot has been happening.  Thank you to everyone who attended and for giving us your feedback on possible projects and ideas.  We now have a steering group with the YMCA, Malvern Vale Residents Group and the new Community Builder, Sue Martyr.

In just a few weeks, a new litter bin has been installed near the car park, a carol singing event held, and from Wednesday 16th February, a weekly walking group begins, leaving from The Community Centre at 10am.

Discussions are now taking place with Green Belt about replacing the wooden fence posts with metal ones at the play area.  The steering group hope to meet with a Green Belt representative soon to discuss the fencing and other possible improvements.  There is also another community event being planned spring/summer this year.  Thank you to those residents who have already got involved to help organise things.  Malvern Vale is a fantastic community!

Councillor Jules Wood with new litter bin at Malvern Vale car park

Councillor Jules Wood with new litter bin at Malvern Vale car park

Malvern Vale street lights – Jules was recently made aware that several street lights on the Vale were faulty.  Persimmon still own and manage the street lights on Malvern Vale.  Jules now has a ‘hot line’ to the Persimmon engineers – so, if you notice any street lights not working, please email or phone Jules.

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